Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to compile pseuwow under Linux

Pseuwow is widely known as a client emulator for mangos project, it allows you sent chat text to players in game through command line in console which is just like a bot. It officially announce it is 99% support Linux, however due to the author does not familiar with Linux, the Makefile become the 1% which is causes some minor problem.


git clone  pseuwow/src/dep/include/openssl  pseuwow/src/dep/include/opensslx

You need to create a in pseuwow/src/dep/src/irrKlang/

INCLUDES = -I../../include/irrklang -I../../includelibdir=$(top_builddir)/src/dep/lib/linux-gccnoinst_LIBRARIES = libIrrKlang.alibIrrKlang_a_SOURCES = \irrKlang.cpp

and modify pseuwow/src/dep/src/

SUBDIRS = irrlicht zlib zthread irrKlangThen modify pseuwow/src/Client/

Fix the line


to the correct path


$aclocal$autoreconf$automake$./configure --prefix=/opt/pseuwow$make$make install

at last, you need to copy the entire “dep” direictory & “conf” directory to /opt/pseuwow/bin/

Pseuwow is widely known as a client emulator for mangos project, it allows you sent chat text to players in game through command line in console which is just like a bot. It officially announce it is 99% support Linux, however due to the author does not familiar with Linux, the Makefile become the 1% which is causes some minor problem.

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