Friday, September 27, 2013

Get image code from url with Javascript

I\’m creating image uploader for my website. I figured out how to upload image from computer & wrote the whole processing script; Now I need to add an option to upload an image from web. My script works fine after the image is converted into 64 bit format:


Looks like it is impossible to do anything helpful with image before it is on my server, so I have this script which creates a temporary copy of the image on my host:

$content = file_get_contents(\"\");file_put_contents(\"image.png\",$content);

So, what I need to do is to take a link \”image.png\” in JavaScript & transform it to 64 bit format to apply further actions in JavaScript. I can\’t find a solution anywhere, can someone help?

Please take a look at this thread, where a complete solution to convert an image to base64 is provided. This requires HTML5 tho, so your client needs a relatively up-to-date browser.

There seems tho to be some issues between the browsers, since they process image data differentely. If you want 100% the same Base64 encoding as your PHP-script, I suggest you simply make an AJAX-call to the script, which processes the image. Then it returns the Base64 string.

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