Monday, September 30, 2013

Loop through nested objects with jQuery

Hey everyone I am trying t find the most dynamic way to loop through an array & return specific values return specific values… The json is deeply structured & may change, could there be a $.each() formula that can help?


var myobj = {    obj1: { key1: 'val1', key2: 'val2' },    obj2: { key1: '2val1',            key2: { nest1: 'val1', nest2: 'val2', nest3: 'val3' },            key3: { nest1: 'K3val1', nest2: 'K3val2',                  nest3: [                         { nest1: 'val1', nest2: 'val2', nest3: 'val3' },                          { nest1: 'val1', nest2: 'val2', nest3: 'val3' }                        ]                 }          },    obj3: { key1: 'dddddval1', key2: 'val2' }    }

now lets say i want to retrieve “K3val2” value yet instead of hardcoding it like so: myobj.obj2.key3.nest2 is there a dynamic way I do this with $.each() mybe?

You can simply nest calls to $.each:

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// Loop the top level$.each(myobj, walker);function walker(key, value) {    // what you like with `key` & `value`    if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") {        // Recurse into children        $.each(value, walker);    }}

If you want to know how deep you are, you can do that too:

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var path = "";// Loop the top level$.each(myobj, walker);function walker(key, value) {    var savepath = path;    path = path ? (path + "." + key) : key;    // what you like with `key` & `value`    if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") {        // Recurse into children        $.each(value, walker);    }    path = savepath;}

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