The CCNA certification exam 640-802 is a difficult exam plus it demands deep learning of the subjects included inside the CCNA syllabus & a superior hands-on experience. To build you really need to at minimum practice all of the control reported inside the official exam books. Some CCNA pupils purchase a real CCNA laboratory to practice, certain pupils employ GNS3, along with a tremendous deal of pupils employ the favored CCNA network simulator: Packet tracer. In the coming paragraphs you’ll discover how to install Packet Tracer approximately Ubuntu.
Packet Tracer is accessible approximately Windows plus Linux. The installation task beneath Windows is simple. But, should you plan to install it approximately Ubuntu, then you’ll require extra effort.
Read the following instructions inside purchase to install Packet Tracer 5 approximately Ubuntu (you are able to moreover install it approximately Fedora, Mint, Debian, etc):
1. After getting the program from Cisco url, copy Packet Tracer compressed file inside a /home folder.
2. Open a Terminal system plus to login because Root.
3. Type cd /home
4. Issue the statement “tar xzvf PacketTracer52.tar.gz” without quotes.
5. Type cd PacketTracer52
6. Issue ./install, plus then follow the instructions which may appear till the end
7. Start Packet Tracer utilizing the statement “$ packettracer” without quotes.
8. Create a shortcut to run Packet Tracer utilizing the following information:
* Type: Application
* Name: Packet Tracer
* Command: packettracer
There is a 2nd way to install Packet Tracer which consists of installing the Windows variation of Packet Tracer utilizing the wine control because follows:
* Download the file of Windows installation
* Launch the installation with Wine utilizing the statement “wine / chemin/vers/PacketTracer5_setup.exe”
* Complete the installation procedure because in the event you do for any Windows application
Once the installation procedure completed, commence Packet Trace utilizing the statement “wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program \ Files/Packet \ To trace \ 5.0/bin/PacketTracer5.exe” .
The CCNA exam is not an simple exam, plus I recommend we to receive CCNA laboratory along with a CCNA laboratory workbook to pass we exam plus build up a routing plus flipping abilities.
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